Twenty Stravinsky Analyses. Short episodes presenting analyses of twenty passages or short works by Stravinsky. Hosted on Spotify.

Analysis of the Rite of Spring. Eighteen music-analytical videos, roughly forty-five minutes in length. Five videos deal with general topics (meaning, form, melody, harmony, rhythm) and the rest are a scene-by-scene, phrase-by-phrase, note-by-note close reading of the work. Available on YouTube (2022)

Musicking While Old. Five-episode podcast produced for the first season of SMT-Pod (Spring 2022). Episode 1: Old Age as Culture. Episode 2: Old Characters in Opera. Episode 3: Old Composers. Episode 4: Old Performers. Episode 5: Old Listeners.

Monographs (8)

The Art of Post-Tonal Analysis: Thirty-three Graphic Analyses (Oxford University Press, 2022). Analytical studies of passages or short works by a diverse group of post-tonal composers. Each analysis is available in both print and video versions.

Broken Beauty: Musical Modernism and the Representation of Disability (Oxford University Press, 2018). An interpretation of musical modernism as a cultural representation of nonnormative bodies and minds. Accompanied by 100+ analytical videos. **Wallace Berry Award of the Society for Music Theory (2020)** 

Extraordinary Measures: Music and Disability (Oxford University Press, 2011).  Within a social model of disability, a study of how music (its composers, performers, listeners, critical traditions, and exemplary works) both embodies and constructs disability.

Twelve-tone Music in America (Cambridge University Press, 2009).  An analytical survey of twelve-tone styles, and a polemic against anti-serial and anti-modernist myths.

Stravinsky's Late Music (Cambridge University Press, 2001).  The first full-length study of Stravinsky’s serial and twelve-tone music

The Music of Ruth Crawford Seeger (Cambridge University Press, 1995).  The first analytical study of music by this important twentieth‑century composer. 

Remaking the Past: Musical Modernism and the Influence of the Tonal Tradition (Harvard University Press, 1990).  A study of twentieth‑century musical strategies for reinterpreting traditional materials.  **Outstanding Publication Award of the Society for Music Theory (1991)** 

Textbooks (4)
A Concise Introduction to Tonal Harmony, co-written with Poundie Burstein (Norton, 2016). A streamlined, pedagogically rich account of the standard topics.  Revised 2nd edition, including new chapters on post-tonal theory, 2020.  

Anthology of Music by Women for Study and Analysis (Prentice‑Hall, 1993).  Excerpts from common‑practice compositions by women organized to illustrate the standard topics in tonal harmony. 

Editorial (6)
The Art of Tonal Analysis, by Carl Schachter (Oxford University Press, 2016). Edited transcripts of a series of lectures presented at the CUNY Graduate Center. **Citation of Special Merit from the Society for Music Theory (2017)**

Sounding Off: Theorizing Disability in Music, co-edited with Neil Lerner (Routledge, 2006).  The first book-length publication in this emerging field. 

Collected Writings of Milton Babbitt, co-edited with Stephen Dembski, Andrew Mead, and Stephen Peles (Princeton University Press, 2003).  Babbitt’s complete articles, essays and reviews, with explanatory editorial headnotes and footnotes.  **Citation of Special Merit from the Society for Music Theory (2006)**

Unfoldings: Essays in Schenkerian Theory and Analysis, by Carl Schachter (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998).   An edited anthology of major articles by the distinguished music theorist, with a dialogue between editor and author as preface.

Milton Babbitt: Words About Music, co‑edited with Stephen Dembski (University of Wisconsin Press, 1987).  Edited transcripts of lectures by the distinguished composer and theorist, with an editor's preface.


The Melodic Organization of the Rite of Spring.  Music Theory Online 28/4 (2022).

Analysis of Sofia Gubaidulina, Reflections on BACH. In Analyzing Russian Music, ed. Bazayev and Segall (Routledge, 2021).

Musical Modernism and its Disability Aesthetics.  In Art/Sex/Identity: The Work of Tobin Siebers and Disability Studies, ed. Lie, Kim, and Kupetz (University of Michigan Press, 2021).

Sum Class. Journal of Music Theory 62/2 (2018).

Ten Tips for Teaching Tonal Theory. In The Norton Guide to Teaching Music Theory, ed. Lumsden (Norton, 2018).

Modernist Music and the Representation of Disability. Journal of the American Musicological Society 69/2 (2016).
Autism and Postwar Serialism as Neurodiverse Forms of Cultural Modernism. In The Oxford Handbook of Music and Disability Studies (Oxford UP 2016).

Representing the Extraordinary Body: Musical Modernism’s Aesthetics of Disability. In The Oxford Handbook of Music and Disability Studies (Oxford UP 2016).

Allen Forte’s Contribution to Music Theory. Music Theory Spectrum 37/1 (2015).

“Twelve-Tone in My Own Way”: An Analytical Study of Ursula Mamlok’s Panta Rhei (1981), Third Movement, with Some Reflections on Twelve-Tone Music in America. In Essays on Music by Women, ed. Parsons and Ravenscroft (Oxford University Press, 2016). **Best Edited Collection Award from the Society for Music Theory (2017)**
Music Therapy and Autism: A Perspective from Disability Studies.  Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy 14/3 (2014). Special Issue on Music Therapy and Disability Studies.

An Analytical Example for Bob (contribution to a Robert Morris Festschrift).  Perspectives of New Music 52/2 (2014).

Total Voice Leading. Music Theory Online 20/2 (2014).

Harmony and Voice Leading in the Music of Stravinsky. Music Theory Spectrum 36/1 (2014).**Outstanding Publication Award of the Society for Music Theory (2015)**

Idiots Savants, Retarded Savants, Talented Aments, Mono-savants, Autistic Savants, Just Plain Savants, People with Savant Syndrome, and Autistic People who are Good at Things: A View from Disability Studies. Disability Studies Quarterly 34/3 (2014).

Twelve-Tone Music. Article in The New Grove Dictionary of American Music (2014).

Music and Disability. The Health and Humanities Reader, ed. Jones et al. (Rutgers UP, 2014).

Three Stravinsky Analyses. Music Theory Online 18/4 (2012).

Babbitt the Analyst. Music Theory Spectrum 34/1 (2012).

Contextual-Inversion Spaces. Journal of Music Theory 55/1 (2011).

Autism as Culture. In The Disability Studies Reader, 3rd ed. (Routledge, 2010).  Reprinted in the 4th edition (Routledge, 2015).

The String Quartets of Bela Bartok. In Intimate Voices: Aspects of Construction and Character in the Twentieth-Century String Quartet, ed. Jones (University of Rochester Press, (2009).  **Citation of Special Merit from the Society for Music Theory (2010)**

Music and Disability: Lives, Careers, Teaching, and Scholarship: Introduction. Music Theory Online 15/3 (2009).

 A Revisionist History of Twelve-Tone Serialism in American Music. Journal of the Society for American Music 2/3 (2008).

Disability and Late Style in Music. Journal of Musicology 25/1 (2008).

Motivic Chains in Bartók’s Third String Quartet. Twentieth-Century Music 5/1 (2008).

Voice Leading in Set-Class Space. Journal of Music Theory 49/1 (2005).
**Outstanding Publication Award of the Society for Music Theory (2011)** 

Ruth Crawford’s Precompositional Strategies. In Ruth Crawford Seeger’s Worlds: Innovation and Tradition in Twentieth Century American Music,” eds. Allen and Hisama (University of Rochester Press, 2007).

Inversional Balance and the ‘Normal’ Body in the Music of Arnold Schoenberg and Anton Webern. In Sounding Off: Theorizing Disability in Music, co-edited with Neil Lerner (Routledge, 2006).

Normalizing the Abnormal: Disability in Music and Music Theory. Journal of the American Musicological Society 59/1 (2006).

Two Post-Tonal Analyses.  In Engaging Music: Essays in Music Analysis, ed. Stein (Oxford UP, 2005).
**Citation of Special Merit from the Society for Music Theory (2007)**

Atonal Composing-Out. In Order and Disorder: Music-Theoretical Strategies in 20th-Century Music (Proceedings of the International Orpheus Academy for Music Theory) (Leuven UP, 2004).

Uniformity, Balance, and Smoothness in Atonal Voice Leading. Music Theory Spectrum 25/2 (2003).

Stravinsky the Serialist. In The Cambridge Companion to Stravinsky, ed. Cross (Cambridge UP, 2002).

Ruth Crawford Seeger’s Contributions to Musical Modernism. ISAM Newsletter 31/1 (2001).

Stravinsky’s Serial ‘Mistakes.’ The Journal of Musicology 17/2 (1999).

The Myth of Serial ‘Tyranny’ in the 1950's and 1960's. The Musical Quarterly 83/3 (1999).

Babbitt and Stravinsky under the Serial ‘Regime.’ Perspectives of New Music 35/2 (1999).

Stravinsky’s ‘Construction of Twelve Verticals’: An Aspect of Harmony in the Late Music. Music Theory Spectrum 21/1 (1999).

A Strategy of Large-Scale Organization in the Late Music of Stravinsky. Intégral 11 (1997).
Plenary Session: Introductory Remarks. Music Theory Online 4/2 (1998).

A Response to Larson. Journal of Music Theory 41/1 (1997).

Voice Leading in Atonal Music. In Music Theory in Concept and Practice, ed. Baker, Beach, and Bernard (University of Rochester Press, 1997).

Post‑structuralism and Music Theory (A Response to Adam Krims). Music Theory Online 1/1 (1995).

A Teacher's Guide to Atonal Set Theory. College Music Symposium 31 (1991).
The 'Anxiety of Influence' in Twentieth‑Century Music. The Journal of Musicology 9/4 (1991).

The Progress of a Motive in Stravinsky's The Rake's Progress. The Journal of Musicology 9/2 (1991).

Two 'Mistakes' in Stravinsky's Introitus. Mitteilungen der Paul Sacher Stiftung 4 (1991).

The Problem of Coherence in Stravinsky's Serenade in A. Theory and Practice 12 (1987).

The Problem of Prolongation in Post‑Tonal Music. Journal of Music Theory 31/1 (1987).

Listening to Babbitt. Perspectives of New Music 25 (1987).

Stravinsky's Use of Sonata Form. In Stravinsky Retrospectives, ed. Johnson and Haimo (University of Nebraska Press, 1987).

The Recompositions of Schoenberg, Webern, and Stravinsky. The Musical Quarterly 72/3 (1986).

Tristan and Berg's Lyric Suite. In Theory Only 8/3 (1984).

The Motivic Structure of Palestrina's Music. In Theory Only 7/4 (1983).

A Principle of Voice Leading in the Music of Stravinsky. Music Theory Spectrum 4 (1982).

Stravinsky's Tonal Axis. Journal of Music Theory 26 (1982).

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