List of Publications
List of Publications
Joseph N. Straus
Broken Beauty (126 Analytical Videos)
Musical Modernism and the Representation of Disability Analyses by Joseph Straus
Learn more about Broken Beauty on Oxford University Press
Below are analytical videos that supplement musical examples in the book.
Chapter 1
1.1 Stravinsky, Three Pieces
1.2 Stravinsky, Symphony of Winds
1.3 Stravinsky, Serenade
1.4 Stravinsky, Requiem Canticles
1.5 Varese, Octandre
1.6 Ives, Things Our Fathers Loved
1.7 Bartok, String Quartet 4
1.8 Varese, Octandre
1.9 Stravinsky, Serenade
1.10 Stravinsky, Petrushka
1.11 Schoenberg String Quartet 2
1.12 Schoenberg, Pierrot Lunaire
1.13 Babbit, Minute Waltz
1.14 Debussy, Voiles
1.15 Stravinsky, Petrushka Rakes Progress
1.16 Bartok, Mikrokosmos
1.17 Webern, Piano Variations
1.18 Ives, String Quartet 2
1.19 Schoenberg, String Quartet 2
1.20 Berg, Lyric Suite
1.21 Bartok, Forty Four Duos
1.22 Stravinsky, Petrushka
1.23 Stravinsky, Rite of Spring
1.24 Stravinsky, Three Pieces
1.25 Crawford Seeger
1.26 Ives, The Seer
1.27 Satie, Parade
1.28 Stravinsky, Tilimbom
1.29 Stravinsky, Rite of Spring
1.30 Thomson, Four Saints
1.31 Schoenberg, Piano Piece 33A
1.32 Webern, Quartet 22
1.33 Stravinsky, Double Canon
1.34 Babbitt, Four Instruments
1.35Crawford Seeger, Diaphonic Suite
Chapter 1 Youtube Playlist:
Chapter 2
2.1 Beethoven, Symphony 3
2.2 Schubert, Piano Sonata 21
2.3 Brahms, Symphony 3
2.4 Smetana, String Quartet 1
2.5 Chopin, Mazurka 17, 4
2.6 Alkan, Recueil de Chants
2.7 Ravel, Gaspard de la Nuit
2.8 Berg, Wozzeck
2.9 Webern, String Quartet
2.10 Passing and Neighbor Tones
2.11 Stravinsky, Petrushka
2.12 Stravinsky, Orpheus
2.13 Stravinsky, Rakes Progress
2.14 Bartok, String Quartet 2
2.15 Beethoven, Piano Sonata 2, 1
2.16 Schoenberg, Piano Pieces 33b
2.17 Berg, Wozzeck
2.18 Schoenberg, Piano Pieces 19, 6
2.19 Webern, String Quartet
2.20 Bartok, String Quartet 5
2.21 Stravinsky, Petrushka
2.22 Stravinsky, Petrushka
2.23 Stravinsky, Serenade
2.24 Stravinsky, Octet
2.25 Schoenberg, String Quartet 3
2.26 Bartok, String Quartet 2
2.27 Stravinsky, Symphony in C
2.28 Stravinsky, Rite of Spring
2.29 Webern, Bagatelles
2.30 Webern, String Quartet with Captions
2.31 Bartok, String Quartet 3
2.32 Webern, Piano Variations
Chapter 2 Youtube Playlist:
Chapter 3
3.1 Stravinsky, Three Pieces
3.2 Stravinsky, Petrushka
3.3 Stravinsky, Petrushka
3.4 Stravinsky Petrushka
3.5 Stravinsky, Rite of Spring
3.6 Stravinsky, Three Pieces
3.7 Stravinsky, Petrushka
3.8 Stravinsky, Three Pieces
3.9 Stravinsky, Petrushka
3.10 Stravinsky, Rite of Spring
3.11 Stravinsky, Petrushka
3.12 Stravinsky, Rite of Spring
3.13 Stravinsky, Rite of Spring
3.14 Stravinsky, Three Pieces
3.15 Stravinsky, Three Pieces
3.16 Stravinsky, Petrushka
3.17 Stravinsky, Rite of Spring
3.18 Little Tich
3.19 Stravinsky, Petrushka
3.20 Stravinsky, Rite of Spring
Chapter 3 Youtube Playlist:
Chapter 4
4.1 Schoenberg, String Quartet 2
4.2 Ives, String Quartet 2
4.3 Berg, Lyric Suite
4.4 Debussy, Feux d'artifice
4.5 Stravinsky, Petrushka
4.6 Stravinsky, Rakes Progress
4.7 Berg, Wozzeck
4.8 Crawford Seeger, String Quartet
4.9 Bartok, String Quartet 5
4.10 Schoenberg, Erwartung
Chapter 4 Youtube Playlist:
Chapter 5
5.1 Satie, Parade
5.2 Berg, Wozzeck
5.3 Stravinsky, Tilimbom
5.4 Ives, The Seer
5.5 Stravinsky, Rite of Spring
5.6 Bartok, String Quartet 3
5.7 Thomson, Four Saints
Chapter 5 Youtube Playlist:
Chapter 6
6.1 Schoenberg, Piano Pieces Op 23, No 3
6.2 Schoenberg, String Quartet 4
6.3 Webern, Piano Variations
6.4 Stravinsky, Requiem Canticles
6.5 Babbitt, Danci
6.6 Schoenberg, Piano Concerto
6.7 Stravinsky, Sermon Narrative Prayer
6.8 Crawford Seeger, Diaphonic Suite
6.9 Babbitt, Ends Are My Beginnings
6.10 Webern, Three Songs
6.11 Dallapiccola, Goethe Lieder
6.12 Babbitt, Widows Lament
Chapter 6 Youtube Playlist:
Chapter 7
7.1 Stravinsky, Schenker
7.2 Bartok, Salzer
7.3 Schoenberg, Boss
7.4 Schoenberg, Forte
7.5 Webern, Lewin
7.6 Mozart, Schoenberg
7.7 Schoenberg, Babbitt
7.8 Schoenberg, Boretz
7.9 Babbitt, Dubiel
7.10 Webern, Lewin
7.11 Stockhausen, Lewin
Chapter 7 Youtube Playlist:
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